CEWD To Represent Industry at FFA Conference

The owners of those famous FFA blue jackets are fabulous candidates for energy jobs and we want to make sure they know it! So, for the first time ever, CEWD will host a booth at the FFA Conference. Taking place October 23-25 in Indianapolis, IN, we will invite students and educators to connect with the depth and breadth of essential energy careers. Want to join us? Contact [email protected] if you’re willing to help staff the booth or have a cool, interactive experience you can provide that will create a “wow” moment for students.

New Partnership with DECA to Bring Energy Awareness to Business Students

CEWD is partnering with DECA, an organization that prepares high school and college students for careers in a host of industries including business, marketing and finance. There are almost 4,000 high school chapters in the United States, serving over 250,000 students. CEWD will bring energy focused curriculum into the classroom and offer a competitive student challenge to engage students with energy careers. We will also serve on their advisory board.

two students studying with pencils in their hands in front of window with sun shining onto their desks
Department of Energy meeting group photo in the Fall of 2024

DOE Publishes Strategy for 21st Century Energy Workforce

Earlier this week, the Department of Energy published its “Strategy for the 21st Century Energy Workforce” report, written by the Department’s Energy Workforce Advisory Board, chaired by CEWD’s Missy Henriksen. You will find a full copy of the report here. CEWD will present a deep dive into the report during this year’s Workforce Development Summit.

REMINDER: Register for CEWD’s Community Day on September 18.

The entire CEWD Community is invited to come together (virtually) on September 18 for conversation, idea sharing, and solutioning. Learn more and register here. In addition to the all community forum, these Communities of Practice will meet: DE&I, Workforce Planning and Analytics, Military Recruiters, Education and Training, and Energy Educators

Students collaborating together on a project while wearing eye protection.
Students in a round table discussion with a facilitator

Careers in Energy Week is Just Over a Month Away

This year’s observance will take place October 21-25. As always, CEWD will provide resources to celebrate, coming your way by month’s end. You will find, among other things, a new coloring and activity book for students, some “ad libs” worksheet fun, a playful Bingo card for work ready adults to help them game up for an energy career, a new “Buzzfeed” style quiz about energy careers and career information resources in Spanish in this year’s resource kit. Our national chat lines will be open on the Get Into Energy site for those who want to learn more about energy careers and we will even be doing some digital advertising this year.

CEWD will be taking our message to the streets with a national media relations push. Have a cool job at your company you’d invite a journalist to shadow? Have a team member who is just the right person to showcase how cool energy jobs are? Please contact Missy Henriksen for more information.

Providing Community and Leadership Development for ERG Leaders

Our new ERG Leaders National Leadership Series, co-hosted with the American Association of Blacks in Energy, Hispanics in Energy, Veterans in Energy, UnidosUS, and the National Urban League – will unite ERG leaders from across the industry to learn from one another through sessions professionally facilitated by The ERG Homegirl, Maceo Owens, founder of The ERG Movement. Sessions begin in September.

Thank you to Constellation and MISO for their sponsorship to bring this program to life.

Learn more and register here.


IMPACT Award Nominations Are Due September 30

Nominations for the 2024 Impact Awards are due at the end of the month. These awards honor excellence by individuals, companies, and consortia affiliated with CEWD for their leadership of workforce development initiatives that will have a lasting impact on the development of a skilled, diverse talent pipeline for the energy sector.


Learn more and submit nominations here.

Workforce Development Summit is Two Months Away

This year’s Summit is tracking to be the most well attended event in the program’s history. Don’t miss your opportunity to network with workforce development leaders from across the country. Consider expanding your company’s participation so a wide array of work teams are exposed to common messaging to mobilize and drive workforce development action. A few special features to pull forward:

Camouflage to Corporate – This pre-Summit workshop will share unique strategies and insights about developing successful military employment programs. Learn how to construct a robust program that not only ATTRACTS top-tier military veterans and spouse talent, but also HIRES and RETAINS them. Learn more and register here. (Note: A separate registration is required for this program.)

CHRO Day – This session is exclusively for CHROs (and CHRO equivalents) of energy companies, including contractors. This is an “all-hands call” of sorts to unite the industry’s people leaders for high level discussions around the most relevant and timely workforce development related priorities. Learn more and register here.

Energy Careers Hill Visits – This new feature welcomes first-time Hill visitors as well as experienced lobbyists. We will head to the Hill on November 21 to educate Congressional and agency offices about needs associated with building a skilled, diverse energy workforce. We need your voice. Learn more and register here.

Energy Careers Discovery Zone – This new event already looks like it will exceed our original vision thanks to the experiential learning offerings from energy employers. Want to add to the day and inform those who influence the people, policies, and practices about energy workforce development? Offer an exhibit here and begin spreading the word outside our industry here.

We will highlight the outstanding general sessions, concurrent programs, and “who’s who” speakers throughout the coming week, but in the meantime, check out the complete program here.

small, two-tone, blue sign that says "volunteers needed"

Seeking Volunteers for Curriculum-Related Oversight

We expect to see Energy & Natural Resources approved as a new National Career Cluster next month. This is a pivotal moment for the industry to have energy curriculum brought into the nation’s classrooms. In anticipation of what’s to come, CEWD is developing the framework and competencies for educators to use as guidelines to embed curriculum in their classrooms. CEWD is looking for volunteers to review the recommended guidelines. Contact Kristie Kelley to learn more.