
Annual Workforce Development Summit

This new event will offer one-stop information shopping for Members of Congress, their staffs, federal agency officials, workforce boards, energy educators, community-based organizations, philanthropic organizations, state and local officials, and others who want to learn about workforce development in the energy sector. The Discovery Zone is not for job seekers, but job influencers!


What can you bring to the Discovery Zone sizzle for stakeholders who want to understand the vast opportunities that exist in energy employment? We’re talking Virtual and Augmented Reality training, mobile education labs, drones, 3D printers, PPE to don, poles to climb, machinery to operate, simulators, how-to exhibits and all the other dynamic show-and-tell items you have, those things that make people say “wow.” Remember, our role in education is about the workforce.  We aren’t advocating for or persuading about industry technology, but showcasing that tech in relation to the people power we need.

Not only will your contributions allow influential voices in our space to learn more about energy careers, but your engagement will also highlight your brand to the several hundred Discovery Zoners expected throughout the event.

The Discovery Zone is, quite simply, all about discovery.  Participants will learn:

is hiring now, soon, and later — by industry segment

WHAT energy jobs will be in greatest demand

WHERE hiring needs are projected and what skill sets and competencies will be required

HOW candidates should prepare for hiring into energy jobs

WHY there’s never been a better time to pursue equitable energy employment opportunities



All of this will be covered by insightful and energetic presentations, of course, but Discovery Zoners will also enjoy experiential learning through interactive displays, exhibits, and experiences. This is where we most need your help to bring the event to life. The industry can only put its best, most dynamic foot forward with lots of help. Without industry participation, there won’t be much for the Discovery Zoners to…well, discover!

Tell us what you can offer for the Energy Careers Discovery Zone by contacting A CEWD team member will follow up on associated logistics.