CEWD Offers 2024 Workforce Development Learning Journey
2024 is expected to be another big year for workforce development within the energy sector. There’s a lot to do and a lot to learn. CEWD is here to support your education and networking journey every step of the way, starting with the first three webinars of the year. Learn about them here and register through the links below.
Using DOL VETS Resources to Strengthen Veterans Programs -February 6
The Energy Workforce Primer – What It Is and How to Use It – February 21

Add One More Stop on the Learning Pathway
The DE&I Forum will take place May 9-10th this year in Washington, DC. Last year’s inaugural event exceeded expectations for all who participated – with the caliber of presenters, in-depth information sharing and networking, and action-oriented workshops. Don’t miss this year’s unique event for senior leaders.
CEWD Co-Hosts Cross-Sector Convening on Workforce Development Strategies
On January 11th, CEWD co-hosted a day-long convening on Building the Energy Workforce of the Future with Jobs for the Future and What Works Plus. About 120 individuals representing energy employers, labor, philanthropies, educators, non-profits, and government agencies met to identify some of the most significant challenges to being people ready for the energy transition and prioritize cross-sector solutions to bottlenecks and impediments.
A synopsis of priorities and recommendations will be published soon but a few highlights are included here:
- National career awareness initiative that can be easily customized locally, including having EIF adopted in schools across the country
- Having energy recognized as a national Career Cluster
- Increase coordination between state and local governments on energy workforce development priorities
- Cross sector collaboration is essential for talent pipeline development
- Reinvent the reputation for Careers in Technical Education
- Educators, particularly those in technical colleges, need support for the cost of and access to equipment on which to train students. They also need help with educating instructors and better identification of career paths from employers.
- Grassroots and community organizations must be instrumental in connecting their communities with energy careers.
While many of these strategies already exist within CEWD’s workplan, the day allowed all stakeholders to learn together and advance a collaborative agenda. Watch for information on follow-up actions in the coming weeks.

Want to Collaborate with CEWD on Grant Opportunities?
CEWD is being approached with increasing regularity about partnering on grants related to the energy workforce. Most of the time, we need to identify community-based employers for the application and it has become a bit of a scramble sometimes. If you are interested in a possible partnership with CEWD and applicable community-based organizations, please let us know more about your needs so we can hope to make some matches. Complete expression of interest here.
Call for Presentations
CEWD’s Workforce Development Summit will take place this November in the Washington, DC area. We are putting together an initial agenda for this national sector convening on workforce development, but we want to ensure it is assembled based on industry need. Please tell us what you’d most like to receive from this year’s Summit and/or provide us with the names of individuals you think are must-presenters. Offer feedback here.

Energy Workforce Policy Advisory Group
CEWD is convening a group of energy professionals interested in staying up to date on workforce-policy related issues/news. The group meets once a month and will hear presentations from workforce development experts and discuss pressing issues the energy industry faces with workforce development. Please contact [email protected] to learn more and join the group. The next call will be held on Thursday, February 8, 10:30 AM-11:15 AM ET with presentations from the National Skills Coalition and CEWD staff on the recently released Workforce Policy Education initiative.
Call for Volunteers for NCCER
NCCER is beginning revision of its Power Line curriculum and they are looking for subject matter experts (SMEs) to assist with the development and review of curriculum content by reviewing new technology, best practices, and relevant day-to-day duties of a power line worker.
If you believe you’re well-suited for the revision committee in any of these areas, or you know of someone who would be interested, you can find additional information on how to become a SME on the NCCER website. If you are ready to join in and help update the curriculum, select the “Apply Now” link on the website, or fill out our SME application form here.
DOE-MESC and Office of Energy Justice and Equity Preparing Grant Announcement
The Depart of Energy’s Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chain has announced an intent to launch the next round of IAC program funding in partnership with the Office of Energy Justice and Equity. DOE anticipates making available $24 million through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to establish additional IACs at community colleges, trade schools, and union training programs, as well as related apprenticeships and internships. It is anticipated that there will be an application track for consortia and cohorts (e.g., for facilitated groups of colleges, state systems, multi-local union projects, apprenticeship intermediaries and their IAC-eligible partners, etc.). The anticipated awards can support a wide range of training programs, from certifications and micro-credentials to Registered Apprenticeships. The funding announcement is expected in late winter to early Spring.
What’s Up? News Updates
CEWD is reporting important news and updates in this new CEWD Connections section to keep readers abreast of energy workforce headlines. If you have any article suggestions, please email [email protected].
PSEG Making Strides in DEI Initiatives
December 20, 2023
PSEG receives recognition for publishing its 2023 DE&I Report which highlights the company’s commitment and progress in making an inclusive and diverse workspace.
National Grid partners with Capital Region career development organization to promote industry jobs
January 17, 2024
National Grid is partnering with 518ElevatED, a local career development organization, to give young adults an inside peak into a career in the energy industry.