
Secondary and Postsecondary Educational Institutions

Education institution interested in teaching energy curriculum, please register on Energy Industry Fundamentals 2.0. This free, virtual course offers 120 hours of instruction, including labs and interactive exercises to connect participants with foundational learnings about energy, and career path opportunities. Students who successfully complete the program will earn an industry recognized credential, showcasing their interest in and aptitude for energy careers – a competitive advantage when applying for internships and jobs. EIF 2.0 is now available in Spanish!

Educational institutions interested in getting more involved with the Center for Energy Workforce Development can become members of CEWD at no cost. Members will gain access to career awareness collateral to promote energy careers to students, discounted registration costs for CEWD events such as The CEWD Forum and the Workforce Development Summit, access to a plethora of networking opportunities such as joining a Community Group, and much, much more.