

Collaboration is the name of the game for CEWD members. We pride ourselves in being the industry’s one stop destination for answers, insight, and resources for the energy sector’s workforce development needs.

Join a Community of Practice for Ongoing Interactions

Seeking a virtual peer group with whom to share best practices and take a deep dive on topical trends? Participate in one of our Communities of Practice and enjoy information-sharing at its best.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community:  Increasing diversity in the talent pipeline continues to be a driving force behind the workforce development efforts of CEWD’s members. The community shares best practices and resources. The Community meets quarterly via conference call and includes both company representatives and NEEN members.

Energy Industry Fundamentals (EIF) Community: The EIF Approved Providers Community of Practice provides EIF curriculum and credential implementation support to a growing network of EIF educators. The group is broken down into high school and training providers, and community college providers. This group shares ideas on what has been successful in teaching the course and achieving the desired outcome of credential attainment.

National Energy Education Network (NEEN) Community: CEWD’s NEEN community includes over 240 educational institution members. It was identified that there was a great interest among the NEEN members during our October meeting to be a part of a Community of Practice. Given that NEEN members are located all over the country with their focus on preparing students for a variety of careers in the Energy industry major topics of interest members have identified is “what can we do to prepare our students for jobs for the future?” and “what are the best practices for the engagement and retention of students?”. The NEEN COP will meet quarterly throughout 2021.

Technical Training Community: The intent of this community is to provide a resource for member companies to discuss internal training programs, materials, and processes. This group identifies best practice solutions for training delivery and assessment, use of technology to deliver training, and metrics to support training effectiveness. This group is composed of training and workforce development leaders, instructional designers, and trainers.

NEW – Training and Development Leaders Community of Practice: This new Community of Practice is for those responsible for leading and influencing their enterprise’s training and development operations. The group’s initial agenda includes establishing benchmarking training data exclusive to the energy sector (e.g. trainer to student ratios, progression times, training facility size, etc.) and strategic discussions about how companies are using AI/VR, and AR and modernizing training to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s learners.

Troops to Energy Jobs Community: Each quarter, interested member company representatives meet through teleconference to share ideas, discuss best practices, and address their military recruiting, training, and retention strategies.

Workforce Planning (WFP) Analytics Community: The WFP Analytics Team is a community generally focused on sharing best practices in workforce analytics within their companies and lessons learned through analytics work. Time is spent during discussions on information sharing, benchmarking questions, and documenting best practices for use on the CEWD Workforce Planning Template.

Join a Council and Shape CEWD’s Future

CEWD’s advisory councils are instrumental in driving the organization’s service to the industry and establishing the programs and priorities to lead the industry’s workforce development agenda. These groups seek involvement from those ready to exercise their voice and be part of shaping CEWD’s future.

Workforce Planning Council: This Council provides guidance to CEWD on data and reporting to support the balancing of job demand and educational supply, including the CEWD Gaps in the Energy Workforce survey, detailed supply and demand reports, and the analysis of alternate sources of data. The Council also supports CEWD in the development of metrics to evaluate the success of workforce development efforts at the national, state, and company level.

Workforce Development Executive Council: This group provides 1) strategic guidance on programs, projects, and initiatives critical to fulfilling CEWD’s mission to “build the alliances, processes, and tools to develop tomorrow’s energy workforce;” and 2) direction for the organization’s strategic plan, annual workplan, and budget that are approved by the Board of Directors. The Council shall serve CEWD members and the industry by:

  • Identifying and providing input on resources needed by CEWD member companies to recruit, train, and retain their workforce;
  • Identifying solutions to help the industry attract the best and brightest talent to the profession; and
  • Identifying and providing input on workforce development solutions that are only possible by collaborative industry action.

View the CEWD Calendar to learn about additional opportunities for engagement

If you are ready to get involved and help yourself, your company, and the industry through your engagement in CEWD, contact