GOAL: Attract, Hire, and Retain 32 Million Individuals for Energy Careers in 10 Years
The adoption of the new Energy and Natural Resources Career Cluster within the National Career Cluster Framework is an unparalleled game changer for the energy industry as we work to attract 32 million people to energy careers over the next decade. Our words have been heard. However, the adoption of the cluster is not the end of our work; it is just the beginning. It’s time to push through the door that has been opened to Meet the Moment, not next year or the year after, but now. CEWD’s Meet the Moment Campaign will 1) help educators and other stakeholders understand how to bring energy curriculum into their communities and it will support their preparedness journey and 2) go all in on building awareness of energy careers and changing the public’s understanding of the vast array of jobs available across the energy ecosystem. No one company or business type can accomplish this on their own. Coordinated, collaborative action is required to Meet the Moment.
The multi-year Meet the Moment Campaign will enhance the visibility of energy careers by connecting with our future workforce where they are – online, in classrooms, through competitions, and with Community-Based Organizations. And we will court and support educators in adopting energy curriculum through nationwide outreach and programming.
With your help, we will invest $3.2 million per year over the next decade, or ten dollars for every person we need to hire, to Meet the Moment.
CEWD is a non-profit consortium of more than 140 energy companies, associations, unions, educational institutions, and government entities working in partnership to ensure a skilled, diverse workforce pipeline for the energy industry. Learn more about CEWD.