CEWD Launches Virtual Summer Learning Series
COVID-19 forced us to cancel our spring and summer Region Meetings but that doesn’t mean an end to the learning and networking they traditionally provide! We are pleased to announce CEWD’s new Virtual Summer Learning Series, programs addressing the future of work in the energy industry. The Summer Learning Series will run from June through August and cover an array of topics including:
- Managing Virtual Interns (June 17) – Click here for more information and to register
- Managing Remote Work (June 24) – Click here for more information and to register
- Recruiting Veterans During and Following COVID-19
- Redefining Workplace Culture
- Creating Powerful Partnerships Between Educators and Utilities
- Embracing Virtual Recruiting and Hiring
- Lessons Learned from Virtual Internships
Each 90-minute session will offer presentations by subject matter experts with plenty of time built in for engagement among participants to ensure pressing questions are addressed within the gathered community. Make plans to join us for our June programs and watch for information on the other programscoming shortly. We hope you and other information-seekers from your company will be able to join us for Virtual Summer Learning Series.

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