CEWD Webinar: Good Jobs: Why Energy Companies Need to Pay Attention

CEWD Webinar: Good Jobs: Why Energy Companies Need to Pay Attention:

Energy companies offer great wages and benefits, but the market is changing, as are expectations for the future of work. Compensation and benefits are just not enough anymore, especially in today’s competitive talent acquisition landscape. The U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of Labor’s Good Job Principles identify eight components of “good jobs” that are the foundation of an equitable economy that lifts up workers and families and makes businesses more competitive. These principles will continue to take center stage in workforce development conversations, decisions about business partnerships including those with whom companies engage for a supplemental workforce, and in what job-seekers and communities expect from employers. In fact, this area of focus will be a trending priority in 2024 and beyond.  Join us for this session by one of the architects of the Good Job Principles, Lauren Starks, formerly at Commerce and now serves as the director of Good Companies/Good Jobs, an initiative of the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program. Together we will explore how these principles can be applied to energy careers and why they are critical to ensure the industry attracts and retains top-tier talent.



Jun 04 2024


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm