11:00 Eastern | 10:00 Central | 9:00 Mountain | 8:00 Pacific
Opening General Session: Why NOW is the Time to Join the Energy Industry
There has never been a more exciting time to work in energy than now. Period. The energy sector needs people to help create, imagine, build, and prepare for America’s clean energy future. In fact, we need hundreds of thousands of people to join this essential industry in the next several years alone as we design and develop a modernized electric grid and a national electric transportation infrastructure, strengthen cyber-security systems, explore new ways to power and fuel our nation, and support the environment and our communities.
Whatever you are searching for professionally – meaningful work that makes a difference, a team-focused culture, high career advancement potential, the freedom to be innovative, support for the environment, an employer that attracts diverse perspectives, or a career with high earning potential – energy offers it all! Six million people work in energy careers, yet most Americans don’t really understand the industry’s employment potential. This session will highlight why and how to pursue energy careers now!
12:00 Eastern | 11:00 Central | 10:00 Mountain | 9:00 Pacific
Concurrent Events
Career Fair
The EnergyCareers 2022 Career Fair is the only virtual, national energy-focused career fair that encourages participants to meet with recruiters and learn more about the careers they have to offer. Whether you’d like to learn more for an immediate job search or whether you are considering energy as a career choice for the future, you can visit with employers from across the country to learn about the hundreds of career possibilities that exist, energy employment benefits, apprenticeships, internships, and more. Some companies will hold on-the-spot interviews.
Educational Session: Exploring Engineering and Technical Careers in Energy
This session will bring the industry to life for those interested in technical and engineering careers in energy by showcasing the types of projects and challenges the industry is addressing. Interested in creating a national charging system for electric vehicles or exploring renewable natural gas? What about designing a new electric grid to power every square foot of the country? Perhaps developing wind or solar farms interests you more? Or maybe you want to learn more about working within a nuclear power plant. We will showcase the need for various (read: ALL) types of engineers and technical thinkers and their career paths in the energy workforce.
1:00 Eastern | 12:00 Central | 11:00 Mountain | 10:00 Pacific
Concurrent Events
Career Fair
The EnergyCareers 2022 Career Fair is the only virtual, national energy-focused career fair that encourages participants to meet with recruiters to learn more about the careers they have to offer. Whether you’d like to learn more for an immediate job search or whether you are considering energy as a career choice for the future, you can visit with employers from across the country to learn about the hundreds of career possibilities that exist, energy employment benefits, apprenticeships, internships, and more. Some companies will hold on-the-spot interviews.
Educational Session: Exploring Trade Careers in Energy
Join us for an overview of the essential skilled and non-skilled trade jobs that have immediate and perpetual openings, including what they are, earning potential, and how to get started. This is your chance to learn about working as a gas technician, lineworker, plant operator, electrician, welder, and so many other critical and in-demand jobs. This session, and the jobs it will cover, will be particularly beneficial for those who like working with their hands, spending time outdoors, and problem-solving. Trade roles are fantastic entry points for energy careers as they offer paid training and significant career advancement potential.
Community Discussion Forum: Meet Energy Engineers
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts. Hosts will share their personal stories about their energy career path and what they enjoy most about their work. They will then field questions from participants. The Forum is a great opportunity to meet industry engineers to learn about cool projects they have worked on, how they started their energy career, advancement and earning potential, team culture or whatever else you’d like to explore.
2:00 Eastern | 1:00 Central | 12:00 Mountain | 11:00 Pacific
Concurrent Events
Career Fair
The EnergyCareers 2022 Career Fair is the only virtual, national energy-focused career fair that encourages participants to meet with recruiters to learn more about the careers they have to offer. Whether you’d like to learn more for an immediate job search or whether you are considering energy as a career choice for the future, you can visit with employers from across the country to learn about the hundreds of career possibilities that exist, energy employment benefits, apprenticeships, internships, and more. Some companies will hold on-the-spot interviews.
Education Session: Exploring Business Careers in Energy
Many of the most visible energy careers are technical and involve outdoor work – but there’s a lot of important work being done behind the scenes as well! For those who are looking for office careers in energy, there are a host of ways the industry can use your talents! This session will highlight the array of positions needed to operate an energy company – from HR professionals to C-Suite leaders…accounting managers and marketing gurus…cybersecurity and IT wizzes…government and policy pros, and customer service reps and analytics specialists. These professionals are at the forefront of the country’s attainment of clean energy goals.
Community Discussion Forum: Meet Skilled Trade Professionals
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts! Hosts will share their personal stories about their energy career path and what they enjoy most about their work. They will then field questions from participants. This Forum is a great opportunity to meet skilled trade professionals to learn about the work they do, cool projects they have worked on, how they started their energy career, advancement and earning potential, union benefits, team culture or whatever else you’d like to better understand.
3:00 Eastern | 2:00 Central | 1:00 Mountain | 12:00 Pacific
Concurrent Events
Career Fair Open
The EnergyCareers 2022 Career Fair is the only virtual, national energy-focused career fair that encourages participants to meet with recruiters to learn more about the careers they have to offer. Whether you’d like to learn more for an immediate job search or whether you are considering energy as a career choice for the future, you can visit with employers from across the country to learn about the hundreds of career possibilities that exist, energy employment benefits, apprenticeships, internships, and more. Some companies will hold on-the-spot interviews.
Education Session - Resource Showcase: How to Find Your Energy Career or Internship
Many of the sessions at EnergyCareers 2022 address the “why” of an energy career – why many think there is no better field to work in. This session takes a deep dive into the “how.” We will introduce you to a variety of resources to help you take the first step toward an internship or career in energy.
Community Discussion Forum: Meet Blacks in Energy
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts! Hosts will share their personal stories about their energy career path and what they enjoy most about their work. They will then field questions from participants. This Forum is a great opportunity for those who want to explore the industry through a diversity lens or meet people with shared life experiences. The energy industry is committed to ensuring its workforce reflects the communities and customers it serves.
Community Discussion Forum: Meet Asian Americans in Energy
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts! Hosts will share their personal stories about their energy career path and what they enjoy most about their work. They will then field questions from participants. This Forum is a great opportunity for those who want to explore the industry through a diversity lens or meet people with shared life experiences. The energy industry is committed to ensuring its workforce reflects the communities and customers it serves.
Community Discussion Forum: Meet Women in Energy
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts! Hosts will share their personal stories about their energy career path and what they enjoy most about their work. They will then field questions from participants. This Forum is a great opportunity for those who want to explore the industry through a diversity lens or meet people with shared life experiences. The energy industry is committed to ensuring its workforce reflects the communities and customers it serves.
4:00 Eastern | 3:00 Central | 2:00 Mountain | 1:00 Pacific
Concurrent Events
Career Fair Open
The EnergyCareers 2022 Career Fair is the only virtual, national energy-focused career fair that encourages participants to meet with recruiters to learn more about the careers they have to offer. Whether you’d like to learn more for an immediate job search or whether you are considering energy as a career choice for the future, you can visit with employers from across the country to learn about the hundreds of career possibilities that exist, energy employment benefits, apprenticeships, internships, and more. Some companies will hold on-the-spot interviews.
Workshop: Strengthening Your Interview Skills
While some people feel naturally comfortable in interviews, most of us find them uncomfortable and even anxiety-producing. This session will offer a look at what to expect from today’s interviews (virtual and in-person) and provide coaching and tips to help men and women at all stages of their career journey feel prepared for one-on-one conversations with recruiters. We’ll also talk about some of the basics of preparation, dress, and follow up. Help is here!
Community Discussion Forum: Meet Members of Energy Industry’s LGBTQ Community
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts! Hosts will share their personal stories about their energy career path and what they enjoy most about their work. They will then field questions from participants. This Forum is a great opportunity for those who want to explore the industry through a diversity lens or meet people with shared life experiences. The energy industry is committed to ensuring its workforce reflects the communities and customers it serves.
Community Discussion Forum: Meet Hispanics in Energy
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts! Hosts will share their personal stories about their energy career path and what they enjoy most about their work. They will then field questions from participants. This Forum is a great opportunity for those who want to explore the industry through a diversity lens or meet people with shared life experiences. The energy industry is committed to ensuring its workforce reflects the communities and customers it serves.
5:00 Eastern | 4:00 Central | 3:00 Mountain | 2:00 Pacific
Concurrent Events
Career Fair Open
The EnergyCareers 2022 Career Fair is the only virtual, national energy-focused career fair that encourages participants to meet with recruiters to learn more about the careers they have to offer. Whether you’d like to learn more for an immediate job search or whether you are considering energy as a career choice for the future, you can visit with employers from across the country to learn about the hundreds of career possibilities that exist, energy employment benefits, apprenticeships, internships, and more. Some companies will hold on-the-spot interviews.
Workshop: Preparing Your Resumé to Pursue an Energy Career
Whether you are looking for a job, apprenticeship, or internship in energy, you need a resumé to demonstrate your interest and introduce yourself to potential employers. This session will offer recommendations and useful tips for those who need to turn a blank piece of paper into the best representation of themselves as well as those who want to update an existing resumé. The workshop will address resumés for different kinds of positions, how to navigate employment gaps, and share power phrases to help your resumé pop.
Workshop for Educators: Add Energy to Your School’s Curriculum
It’s no secret, the energy sector offers careers for the future, jobs for everyone – including those who want to go to work right after school, as well as those who are interested in two and four-year collegiate studies. The industry is essential, is incredibly innovative and technology dependent, and offers significant career advancement and strong earning potential. If your school doesn’t already have energy coursework in its curriculum, this session will help you understand the why and how to make it happen. Learn from energy educators how their students respond to energy education, the careers it has opened for students, and learn about what resonates most with students.
Community Discussion Forum: Meet Veterans in Energy
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts! Hosts will share their personal stories about their energy career path and what they enjoy most about their work. They will then field questions from participants. This Forum is a great opportunity to meet veterans who work in the energy field. Learn how their military background has served them in their new career journey, why veterans are so highly sought after by energy employers, and how many vets have found a strong sense of community in the energy sector.
Community Discussion Forum: Get All Your Questions Answered About Energy Careers
The Discussion Forums are like virtual coffees with subject matter experts! This session will be hosted by energy recruiters who will share thoughts about why there has never been a more exciting time to work in energy than now. They will offer general tips for starting your energy career journey and they will field questions from participants. This Forum is a great opportunity for those who have general questions about the industry or want to explore best steps for success with internships, apprenticeships, and energy careers.
6:00 Eastern | 5:00 Central | 4:00 Mountain | 3:00 Pacific
EnergyCareers 2022 closes
The platform will remain open for registrants to independently explore, browse, look, and listen through May 5.