Community Engagement

Today’s workforce development practice involves multi-faceted strategies that connect employers with community partners including educators, community-based organizations, labor, workforce systems, economic development offices, and policymakers. While that work is executed in communities, it is often supported by partnerships, ideas, and collaboration that begin at a national level, greasing the wheels of opportunity in local regions. CEWD takes great pride in being that national leadership catalyst.

We know workforce development has to be done differently today. Bolder. More aggressively. With new partners and new ways of thinking.

Energy employers, CEWD welcomes the chance to be your partner – connecting you with people, organizations, and information that can impact your talent pipeline development. We recognize a rising tide will lift all boats. Let us know how we can help.

National non-profits and community-based organizations, educators, and workforce systems, you are critical in CEWD’s people-readiness journey. Please reach out for information and collaboration. (Local CBOs are encouraged to contact energy employers in their communities directly.)