
Careers in Energy Week 2021:

17 Ideas for Recognizing, Hosting, and Celebrating Careers in Energy Virtually

Careers in Energy Week, to be observed October 18-22, celebrates its 11th anniversary this year! That’s ten years of increasing the public’s awareness about energy careers and inspiring students and career-changers to become leaders for 21st Century energy jobs. While this annual observance has typically played host to an array of special events that showcase the essential work done by energy companies, as well as the impact the energy sector has on the local economy, this year’s Careers in Energy Week will look a little different, like so many events over the last year. This is the year Careers in Energy Week will go virtual for many, offering new ways to showcase the innovation and creativity that exists in the industry.

Here are some new (and tried-and-true) ideas to help you celebrate Careers in Energy Week virtually:

Join CEWD for EnergyCareers 2021

CEWD is taking the industry’s message to the streets virtually, in a big way. We are partnering with educators, minority-serving organizations, workforce boards, veterans’ groups and others to connect students, men and women with energy careers. With educational programming, a job fair, exhibits, chat rooms, and resources, there is no better way to showcase the magnitude of the industry’s reach. Learn more, be part of the event, and help us promote it to others!

Get a Proclamation Signed

This is one cornerstone of Careers in Energy Week that is staying the same this year. Ask your Governor and/or local officials to proclaim the importance of Careers in Energy Week in your area. Need a sample? We’ve got that.

Try Something Different Toward Diversity

There’s never been a better – or more important time – to ensure you connect with groups of people underrepresented in the industry. Host a virtual lunch and learn for an engineering club at a minority-serving institution, partner with a group like Urban League on a local philanthropic project or connect with the Association of Latino Professionals for a jointly sponsored activity. The options are endless but make sure purposeful, diversity-focused initiatives are part of your plan.

Jump on the Video Conferencing Bandwagon

We’ve all gotten used to virtual connections in 2020 and 2021, so it will be easy to pivot to virtual offerings for this year’s career-focused observance:

  • Host a science class and invite students to replicate a science experiment at home that you do on screen. Be sure to select an experiment that uses items that will be readily available in most homes. Leave a lasting impression with a “showy experiment” before class concludes to leave students wanting more.
  • Don’t forget math. Hold a contest or competition for local math clubs. Get the competitive juices flowing.
  • Sponsor a workshop to allow students to earn a Scout badge. There are a variety that are appropriate for both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.
  • Partner with a women’s group or minority-serving organization to host a virtual book club discussion.
  • Lead a discussion for a high school business class or engage with an environmental stewardship group.

Unite with Others

While Careers in Energy Week may be the most important observation of the time, there are other national observations being recognized during the same week. It’s also Nuclear Science Week, National Business Women’s Week, National Pharmacy Week and yes, it’s even National Kraut Sandwich Week. Consider jointly held events to build a larger audience and leverage relationships, and apparently don’t forget to suggest your virtual audience enjoy a Rueben sandwich or German sausage with sauerkraut.

Utilize the Power of the Press

Local media outlets love stories about hometown heroes, as well as observations and celebrations. Combine these two tactics together and it’s a tempting story opportunity! Find compelling stories about employees who love their jobs and those who are making a difference and ask your communications team to pitch stories to local news outlets. Consider featuring someone new to the field or an intern you had with you in the summer to connect with students and those who will soon enter the profession. Be sure to feature diverse employees.

Sizzle Through Social Media

There is no better way to connect with those you’d like to hear your message than through social media. Use this week to spotlight a variety of employees with different backgrounds and stories that will inspire. Share short videos, host Instagram takeovers by current employees or former interns, or create an employee spotlight series on Facebook or LinkedIn. You can also turn the tables, and let your community create some social media sizzle by running a social media contest, soliciting creative entries about industry careers. Don’t forget the hashtag! #CareersinEnergyWeek CEWD members will find a host of resources to involve your empoyees with an #IGotIntoEnergy campaign here.

Host a Drive-in Movie Night

Looking for a different way to connect with your community? Drive-in movies became all the rage this summer. Bring people together through cinema in a local parking lot. Show a pre-feature video about what your company does and don’t forget the popcorn and food trucks.


Turn up the Technology

While talking with people about the industry is great, showing them is even better. Put GoPros on your employees for a week or two and get some fun footage. You can even capture cool imagery from drones. Put it all together as an easy showcase of how technology is used in the industry. This could even be a fun consideration to host a technology challenge for area students. CEWD will be announcing its 2020-2021 technology challenge during Careers in Energy Week.

Motivate Through Mentorship

Consider partnering with programs that serve minority youth or family shelters and connect employees from the field with a mentor match for a week. Through pre-defined activities and conversations, students will get to interface with successful professionals and energy employees can inspire students. Keep in mind, most organizations will require pre-authorization for working with students.

Connect Through Contests

Contests are tried-and-true ways to leverage engagement as there are always teachers looking to provide opportunities to students, students looking for prizes to win and parents looking to help their children develop resume fodder. Consider contests for essays, photos, reports, or whatever else you may think of. Small stipends or scholarships are excellent incentives – as are an automatic internship next year.

Showcase WE ARE Essential

Virtually honor your company’s employees who were essential to their communities and the industry they serve during the pandemic. Provide them with a socially distanced awards ceremony, shared on social media, and/or pitched to local news outlets. You can also profile them and the strides they made at work this year during a difficult time and share these stories on social media as well.

Buy Your Messaging

Work with your communications team on an effective ad campaign that thanks your current employees and notes their essential nature – a perfect message platform for CareersinEnergy Week. Get creative with digital ads, retargeting, music app ads and of course, the local newspaper.