


Developing the Next Generation Workforce

People Powered Podcast

April, 2024

In this episode, Missy Henriksen, CEWD’s Executive Director and Courtney Peterson, Edison Electric Institute’s Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer & Chief Diversity Officer, star in EEI’s Electric Perspective Podcast “Developing the Next Generation Workforce” to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the clean energy workforce future.


The Natural Gas Workforce in a Decarbonizing World

May 3, 2023

In this episode, Kate Hardin and Carolyn Amon of Deloitte address key findings from their report, The Natural Gas Workforce in a Decarbonizing World, noting that decarbonization is a growth opportunity for natural gas utilities. They address how gas companies can reorient their workforce force towards the emerging renewable natural gas, geothermal, and hydrogen industries and further amplify growth by engineering a digital skill advantage. Listen in to learn about decarbonization strategies that can help gas utilities attract the growing talent pipeline they will need to achieve their targets.

Implications of Decarbonization on the Power Workforce

June 17, 2021

Deloitte’s Brad Denny and Carolyn Amon talk about their report, The Decarbonized Power Workforce: Digital and Diverse, which suggests decarbonization by 2035 could lead to a tripling of the power workforce. Our guests offer suggestions on what the power sector will need to do to fill these jobs, including expediting digitalization, preparing to compete against other industries for those with select digital and data management skills, planning for continuous training of a digital workforce, recruiting for talent in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas and from a more diverse pool of talent, and changing misperceptions of industry employment.

Developing Your Workforce with Autistic Talent

April 20, 2021

Dave Kearon, Director of Adult Services for Autism Speaks, joins us for this episode of People Powered to make the business case for companies to hire people with autism. He talks about particular strengths, such as attention to detail, deep focus and concentration, visual acuity, and comfort with repetitive tasks, that those on the spectrum can bring to the workplace and addresses what companies should consider about hiring from the neuro-diverse community. Listeners will learn what resources and support Autism Speaks offers as part of their Workforce Inclusion Now program.

The Why and How of CTE

March 19, 2021

In this episode, Steve DeWitt, the Deputy Executive Director for the Association of Career and Technical Education, explains the importance of collaboration between educators and businesses to ensure students are prepared for local employment needs. With 98% of students now touching the CTE system, employers must help identify skills needed for tomorrow’s careers. After learning why to get involved with CTE, learn how to prepare for making these important local connections.

Reinventing the Utility Employee Experience: A Point of View from Accenture

February 23, 2021

Chris Manshio of Accenture joins People Powered to talk about the creation of a thought-provoking new piece, Reinventing the Utility Employee Experience. This work product, developed in collaboration with CEWD, seeks to challenge traditional thinking in how the industry hires new employees and how the industry may best succeed in the competition for talent, especially in light of workplace changes spurred by the pandemic.

Season 1

Exploring Ford’s Next Generation Learning and Powerful Partnerships

September 9, 2020

Cheryl Carrier, the Executive Director of Ford’s Next Generation Learning Program, joins us to discuss how they work with businesses, schools, and communities to build collaborative educational models that benefit students. She unveils a bit of the “secret sauce” they have learned through influencing career decisions of more than 400,000 students.

Closing the Skills Gap: What Research From Harvard Business School’s Project on Managing the Future of Work Shows

August 25, 2020

On this episode, Manjari Raman, the Program Director for the Harvard Business School Project on Managing the Future of Work shares what her research team has been working on in regard to the gig economy, hidden workers, and why employers must focus on people, now, more than ever before to attract and retain the best and brightest to energy sector careers.

Understanding Workforce Boards and Why They are Important to the Energy Industry

August 3, 2020

In this episode, Ron Painter, the CEO of the National Association of Workforce Boards, explains how workforce boards operate, why they are important for employers, including those in the energy sector, and how to make connections with the 500 boards across the United States. He stresses the value of participation with these groups that manage federal dollars allocated for workforce initiatives within local communities and have the ability to make connections between men and women looking for skilled jobs and companies that seek motivated and job-ready talent for permanent and part-time positions.

Creating a Training Ecosystem to Attract and Retain Top Performers

June 25, 2020

This episode, featuring Bob Mosher, the CEO and Chief Learning Evangelist at Apply Synergies, addresses the five moments of learning need and why and how those have changed for employees in world class learning organizations. The future-looking dialogue explores the three most important components of how people learn, important pivots between content and context, and enablers that empower learners for high performance within their organizations.

How Resilience and Innovation Are Defining the Energy Industry’s COVID-19 Response

May 12, 2020

Grant Davies, Director of Accenture’s Risk, Crisis, and Asset Management Practice, addresses how utilities are innovating during the pandemic and new expectations he has for technology, training, and office operations. He shares his thoughts on what companies will win the war for talent and what businesses need to do before the predicted next wave of the COVID-19 virus. All conversations point back to the importance of resiliency.

Lessons Learned at National Grid Managing Through COVID-19

May 11, 2020

John Bruckner, President of the NY Jurisdiction of National Grid, joins People Powered to share initial lessons learned and beliefs about the future of the energy workforce in light of COVID-19. He addresses the merits of increased personal communication, likely changes to brick and mortar operations, and the additional responsibilities companies are taking to care for their employees and communities. He closes out with personal reflections about how tomorrow’s workforce will ensure our success.

The Future of Work: Post-Pandemic

April 27, 2020

In this episode of People Powered, Ross Dawson, noted futurist and strategy advisor to global business and government leaders, addresses what employers can expect in a post-pandemic workforce. He identifies the most important determinant of creating a successful telework environment, projected trends with retirement-ready workers, and explores how companies will win the competition for talent in the months and years ahead.

Telework, Considerations for Managing a Remote Energy Workforce

April 27, 2020

The inaugural episode of People Powered, welcomes Jack Nilles, known as the Father of Telework, as he is credited with creating the concept of remote work and he has written numerous books on the subject including Making Telecommuting Happen: A Guide for Telemanagers and Telecommuters, often called “the Bible of telecommuting” and Telework: Strategies for Managing the Virtual Workforce, which has been praised internationally as the best book available on telework program development and management. Jack offers insight learned from almost 50 years of telework leadership.