Resources to Promote Careers in Energy Week Are Now Available
CEWD recently shared a variety of resources available to help promote Careers in Energy Week. With usable social media graphics and customizable fliers branded to the week’s observance, as well as dozens of evergreen pieces, we expect to see trending recognition of #CareersInEnergyWeek2023.

All-Hands Call: Help Needed to Staff CIEW Live Chat
We will host a staffed Live Chat every day of Careers in Energy Week from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET, inviting students and career seekers to pepper us with questions about how to get started on an energy career path. We need 100 volunteers to share an hour staffing the chat. Please volunteer here. All instructions will be provided.

CEWD Offers Informational Support on Policies Related to Energy Workforce Development
In response to increased questions CEWD has received from energy companies, Congressional offices, and other stakeholders regarding policies related to workforce development within the sector, CEWD has published a list of policy focus areas of educational interest. You can see those here. This list is offered for awareness and educational focus. CEWD does not lobby or politically advocate.

Summit and Forum Are Now at 50% Capacity
Registrations for this year’s Workforce Development Summit and the new DE&I Forum have already reached half capacity! We have much more space than last year, but we are at half of maximum capacity. Please register for this year’s incredible programs and for hotel accommodations as soon as possible so we can plan for your participation.
There are a few remaining sponsorships available, but the deadline for sponsorship is October 27th. Consider reserving one of the remaining sponsorship opportunities to support CEWD’s initiatives to ensure a skilled, diverse energy workforce. Contact Christina Marshall for additional information.
Engage with Your Workforce Board on WIOA Funding
CEWD recently held a webinar to provide information on work being done now by state and local workforce development boards to identify what workforce needs exist by businesses within their footprint to shape submission of the workplans they are required to present every four years. Those plans are due in the first quarter of 2024. You will find a link to a recording of the program here. The webinar explained how to access funding streams, outlined how interested businesses can most effectively share their needs with workforce development boards, and emphasized the importance of providing a voice to attempt to access resources and funding provided for by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

Spread the Word: Registration Now Open for Cybersecurity Training for the Utility Workforce
Starting October 31, the Department of Energy will host a series of six cybersecurity training events specifically for electric utility staff. Registration for these training events is free.
Registration is open to technical practitioners from all electric utilities, including electric cooperative, public power, investor-owned, and tribal utilities. Please use your utility’s email address when you register to attend. Your registration information will be reviewed and you will receive a registration confirmation after it is approved. Registration is NOW OPEN for programs in Columbus, Orlando, and Kansas City. Register at: https://www.eventleaf.com/c/

The CEWD Team Takes To the Road
CEWD’s team has been enjoying time with members and others interested in learning more about workforce development in the energy sector. The past month has engaged the team in speaking at the DOE 21st Century Energy Workforce Advisory Board (pictured above), American Gas Association Operations Conference, WINUP Conference and a visit to NYPA, Minnesota Energy Workforce Consortia (pictured left), Nebraska Energy Workforce Consortia (pictured top left) and the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) Workforce Development Council (WDC) Board Meeting (pictured bottom left).
The next few weeks will bring more packed bags as the team visits the Advance CTE Conference, the National Urban League’s Whitney M. Young Conference, the Department of Energy’s Electrification Advisory Council, and an energy workforce dialogue sponsored by Brookings Metro and The Kresge Foundation.

Grateful for the Workforce Summit and DE&I Forum Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors