June/July 2023
Check out the latest information on key programs and priorities CEWD is working on to support a skilled, diverse energy workforce. Please share this publication with others who may be interested. To subscribe, please contact [email protected].

CEWD Expands Service Umbrella to Welcome Renewable Contractors
At their recent meeting, CEWD’s Board of Directors paved the way for renewable contractors to join the Center’s membership. In encouraging this change, CEWD’s Chair, Vivek Arora, Chief Administrative Officer at SAM, noted, “as the energy landscape changes, it has become increasingly apparent that we need to include additional stakeholders within our base. While our existing membership has helped navigate these changes so far, we need all perspectives in our midst to address initiatives to ensure a skilled, diverse energy workforce.”
If you are working with contractors who are involved with industrial engineering, development, construction, installation, maintenance, storage, safety, or service for renewable energy (including solar, wind, hydro, biomass, hydrogen, or related generation technologies, including for electric transportation) or services to support energy efficiency, encourage them to consider membership in CEWD. If you are a contractor working in these areas, we want to work more closely with you.
Of course, CEWD continues to serve other industry contractors that have been instrumental in our workforce development voice for many years.

Mark Your Calendar: CEWD Workforce Development Summit and DE&I Forum
The initial schedule and hotel information has been released for this year’s Workforce Development Summit, that will take place November 14-16 and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Forum, taking place on November 16-17, both at the Gaylord National Harbor, just outside of Washington, DC. The Summit will once again welcome those involved with industry and corporate workforce development needs, and the new DE&I Forum will host senior DE&I leaders (those with the ability to impact corporate change) and their guest(s) may include those who will be designated with executing action within the business. The full program agenda will be released in August.

Modernized Energy Curriculum Launching in August; Register Now
Energy Industry Fundamentals 2.0, the modernized energy curriculum for high school and post-secondary students will debut next month, in time for the 2023-2024 academic year! We are now accepting enrollments from educators and energy companies that would like to offer the program! CEWD expects this dynamic curriculum will be used to educate 500,000 students over the next several years.
It’s time for energy companies and educators to consider how to collaborate to familiarize students with some of the most important areas of energy education and the career paths offered within the industry.
Businesses can also download a variety of EIF pre-launch information, including information for hiring managers, corporate executives, and school partners in the CEWD Member’s Only Resource Center.
DOE Will Support HBCUs Offering Clean Energy Education
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Clean Energy Education Prize, a competition that will help HBCU institutions develop programming to strengthen the participation of K-12 and community college students in science, technology, engineering, and technology (STEM) fields. The $7.75 million prize competition will support the creation of clean energy “ecosystems,” or community networks, to inspire the next generation of students to work in STEM fields related to clean energy. Additional information is available here.
CEWD is eager to make the new EIF 2.0 curriculum available to all HBCUs interested in applying for this funding. Please reach out to your regional consultant or to [email protected] if we can support any outreach you would like to make on this funding opportunity.
Book Club: Reading Resource
One of our members brought this book to our attention and we thought we’d pass along the referral: Athletics to Engineering: 8 Ways to Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for All, coauthored by Johnnie Johnson and Dr. Michael E. Webber, as a resource to elevate diversity, equity, and inclusion conversations at the local level. Find more information about the book and how to get involved in spreading the word, here

Database Clean Up: Work in Progress
Starting next month, CEWD will begin using a new database to communicate with you. While we expect the transition to be smooth, we wanted to share information about the conversion in case you notice anything unusual in our future information sharing. We will provide details about the change-over shortly but wanted to give you a head’s up about what’s coming your way!
Welcome New Members
CEWD is pleased to welcome Hooper Corporation as our newest member.